Certified Clinical Medical Assistant

Online Clinical Medical Assistant Training Course

- The healthcare field offers one of the leading areas of opportunities for career growth today. Within healthcare, medical assistants are among the most in-demand professionals. NHA estimates that job openings for medical assistants are increasing by 9-15% each year.
- The US Bureau of Labor Statistics concurs with the NHA estimate. Its data indicates job opportunities for medical assistants will grow by 23% overall by 2028. This is four times the expected average growth for all jobs.
- Medical assistants earn $34,800 per year, or $16.73 per hour on average, according to BLS data.
What does a certified clinical medical assistant (CCMA) job involve?
According to NHA, certified clinical medical assistants serve in a variety of functions that combine office operations and patient procedures. CCMAs may coordinate patient scheduling, facilitate office visits and manage patient records, including Electronic Health Records (EHR). They may also assist with exams and procedures such as EKG, phlebotomy, and laboratory procedures.
Are CCMAs the same as CNAs?
While CCMAs may serve in a variety of roles in the healthcare setting, including office processes, clinical procedures and patient management, Certified Nurses Assistants (CNAs) work full-time with patients and may help with basic care activities such as dressing, bathing, and moving patients while they are under medical care.
Do clinical medical assistants need certification?
The healthcare environment operates on the basis of professionalism, precision and dedication to patient welfare. Medical assistant certification may be required for many jobs. Earning a certification such as the CCMA establishes a medical assistant as a caring, responsible professional who has undergone a study and assessment program to validate their credentials.
In what facilities do CCMAs work?
CCMAs commonly work in hospitals, physicians' offices, outpatient clinics, and other healthcare facilities, according to the BLS.
- Prepare to take and earn the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) exam
- Learn the skills necessary to function as a member of the healthcare team in an ambulatory setting
- Know the standards for ethical behavior, therapeutic communication, protecting the privacy of patient information
- Understand the importance of a first impression and a safe office environment
- Summarize the HIPAA Privacy Rule and HIPAA Security Rule
- Demonstrate basic medical terminology knowledge
- Discuss government and private insurances
- Identify the functions of the major body systems
- Demonstrate how to write a chief complaint and obtain a patient history
- Discuss the importance of medical and surgical asepsis
- Explain the information contained in different types of medical records
- Identify the three methods used to perform venipuncture
There are no prerequisites to take this course.
Medical Terminology
Introduction to Medical Terminology
The Musculoskeletal System
The Cardiovascular System
The Lymphatic and Immune Systems
The Respiratory System
The Digestive System
The Urinary System
The Musculoskeletal System
The Cardiovascular System
The Lymphatic and Immune Systems
The Respiratory System
The Digestive System
The Urinary System
The Nervous System
The Special Senses the Eyes and Ears
The Integumentary System
The Endocrine System
The Reproductive System
Diagnostic Procedures, Nuclear Medicine, Pharmacology
The Special Senses the Eyes and Ears
The Integumentary System
The Endocrine System
The Reproductive System
Diagnostic Procedures, Nuclear Medicine, Pharmacology
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant
Becoming a Medical Assistant
Managing Stress and Improving Communication
Law, Ethics and Healthcare
Improving Your Medical Office
Computers in the Ambulatory Care Setting
Telecommunications and Patient Scheduling
Enhancing the Patient Experience
Managing Medical Records
Written Communication
Working with Medical Documents
Medical Billing and Overview Coding: An Overview
Daily Financial Practices
The Administrative Medical Assistant As Office Manager
Major Body Systems
Nutrition and Special Diets
The Chief Complaint and Patient History
Managing Stress and Improving Communication
Law, Ethics and Healthcare
Improving Your Medical Office
Computers in the Ambulatory Care Setting
Telecommunications and Patient Scheduling
Enhancing the Patient Experience
Managing Medical Records
Written Communication
Working with Medical Documents
Medical Billing and Overview Coding: An Overview
Daily Financial Practices
The Administrative Medical Assistant As Office Manager
Major Body Systems
Nutrition and Special Diets
The Chief Complaint and Patient History
Recording Vital Signs
The Physical Examination
Specialty Exams and Procedures
Medical Asepsis and Infection Control
Surgical Asepsis and Sterilization Techniques
Surgical Instruments
Assisting with Minor Office Surgeries
Introduction to The Medical Laboratory
Basic Microbiology
Introduction to Phlebotomy
Basic Hematology
Administering Noninjectable Medications
Basic Guidelines for Administration Of Injections
Diagnostic Imaging
Rehabilitation and Treatment Modalities
First Aid Techniques
Emergencies in The Medical Office
The Physical Examination
Specialty Exams and Procedures
Medical Asepsis and Infection Control
Surgical Asepsis and Sterilization Techniques
Surgical Instruments
Assisting with Minor Office Surgeries
Introduction to The Medical Laboratory
Basic Microbiology
Introduction to Phlebotomy
Basic Hematology
Administering Noninjectable Medications
Basic Guidelines for Administration Of Injections
Diagnostic Imaging
Rehabilitation and Treatment Modalities
First Aid Techniques
Emergencies in The Medical Office
Nancy Smith
Nancy Smith has over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry. Her clinical experience includes working as a medical assistant for a network of rural health clinics, and as a medical coder, insurance claims specialist, and medical records auditor. She worked as a medical office manager for ten years, where she recruited and trained all medical assistants. Nancy holds a bachelor's degree in vocational education and has developed and taught medical assistant programs.
This course is 100% online. Start anytime.