Thinking happens naturally. We think, and, we think a lot. While thinking may be natural and certainly aids us in navigating the day-to-day, thinking and sleeping do not mix. When thoughts keep us awake, are negative, fearful, repetitive, distorted, and intrusive sleep may be kept at bay. Simply put, thoughts while trying to fall asleep are destructive; and they have an effect on our health, our relationships, and our successes. Join us and learn how to control your thoughts as opposed to your thoughts controlling you. Topics include:
- Discover how you think and what you think about
- See your thoughts differently without judgment
- Apply the 7 Strategies to retrain the way you think by responding not reacting
- Use simple mind tools, breathing, and meditation to focus and be still
- Learn to appreciate, have compassion, and forgive yourself and others
We can retrain our minds to think and to see differently. Let your new way of thinking radiate from the inside out.
$15 materials fee payable in class (for CD and links for 50 page manual, mp3 exercise, fun worksheets, pen and heart surprises).